Stuartmedia Exeter Based WordPress and App Specialists Mon, 07 May 2018 08:04:48 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 86398909 Security Features Built In To WooCommerce Mon, 07 May 2018 08:04:48 +0000 WooCommerce Security Features
How secure is your online store?

WooCommerce security features are just one of the many things that help you create a more successful online shop.

While you might think your products or site design is what’s most important to your customers, they also want you to help keep them safe. By having a secure platform, you’re keeping their digital identities safer.

When you add WooCommerce’s own security features in with your regular security measures and maintenance, you give your customers security and safety while they’re shopping with you.

Force SSL

WooCommerce recommends setting up the Force SSL setting immediately after you install WooCommerce. This is to ensure every customer is forced to use a secure, encrypted connection every time they check out. Naturally, you’ll need an SSL certificate.

The object is to prevent a hijacked browser or other issues from creating a non-secure connection between your site and the customer’s computer. It’s a simple security measure that’s built into WooCommerce.

Regular Updates

While you might not think of updates as WooCommerce security features, they’re actually one of the most important. Much like with WordPress itself, core updates to WooCommerce aren’t just about new features or bug fixes. In fact, they’re often to address potential security flaws before hackers have a chance to attack your store.

WooCommerce releases regular updates and security updates as needed. However, they’re only effective if you install them quickly. Usually, hackers already know about even minor security issues before an update is even released. So, the sooner you install the patch, the better. Hackers scan for sites using outdated software versions and you don’t want your site to be one of them.

Code Audits

WooCommerce takes security seriously. For instance, this is why the company partnered with the Internet security firm Sucuri to ensure their code is as secure as possible. While this was first announced in 2012, WooCommerce still lists Sucuri as their code auditor on their website.

Sucuri’s experts audit every single line of code for the core platform and updates to ensure there aren’t any security issues. This creates a much more secure platform. However, adding secure hosting and a security plugin helps boost your security even more.

PCI Compliant Payment Gateways

Any site or business that accepts must be PCI compliant. The PCI Security Standards Council works to create guidelines for accepting and processing payments more securely. Naturally, the goal is to avoid data loss as much as possible.

PCI compliant payment gateways are a part of WooCommerce security features. While you’ll have to install an extension to access the gateways, WooCommerce only approves compliant extensions. This means you’ll be able to provide your customers with a secure checkout process every time.

Compliments WordPress Security

You can’t talk about WooCommerce security features without pointing out that it’s designed to work perfectly with WordPress’s built-in security. WordPress also releases regular security updates. By installing them regularly, you’re able to boost the security of your WooCommerce store too. WooCommerce is consistently maintained to ensure it’s always compatible with the latest version of WordPress.

For optimal security, keep WordPress and WooCommerce updated as the security of each compliments the other for an overall safer site.

Security Extensions

You’ll have to install extensions for some WooCommerce security features. Luckily, WooCommerce’s extension store includes the best extensions for ecommerce stores. The store only lists extensions regularly maintained and updated by the developers.

One of the most popular security extensions for WooCommerce is Jetpack. It’s free to install and helps protect your site from brute force attacks, attempted account hacks and much more. Also, you get warnings if your site goes down for any reason, which helps you recover faster in the event a hacker does get in and tries to take your site down.

Have questions about how WooCommerce boosts security on your site? Contact Darren today to learn more about WooCommerce and WordPress security.

Image: TheDigitalWay

Using SSL Certificates With WordPress And Why It Matters Mon, 03 Oct 2016 08:28:39 +0000 SSL Certificates With WordPress
Your visitors aren’t the only ones happy to see HTTPS on your WordPress site.

You may have noticed more sites are starting to use SSL certificates for more than just ecommerce sites.

Using SSL certificates with WordPress could put your site ahead of the competition. Many visitors are looking for HTTPS and the lock symbol in their browsers in order to feel more secure when simply browsing a new website.

With more of your visitors putting security first, now is the time to think about implementing SSL with your own WordPress site. Your visitors and even the search giant, Google, will appreciate it.

SSL Isn’t Just For Ecommerce

Until recently, you typically only saw SSL certificates on ecommerce sites or sites asking you to log in. Basically, they were only used when personal data might be transferred. While visitors should never enter user credentials or shop without first checking for HTTPS and the lock symbol, they’re starting to want a more secure browsing experience on every page of a website.

As of June 2016, 30% of all Google search results had implemented SSL. It’s predicted that in another 16-17 months, that number may jump to 50% or more. This shows a trend towards creating a safer experience for online audiences.

Google’s View On SSL

Why is there a sudden shift in SSL certificates? Google. In 2014, Google announced a small algorithm change that would affect how HTTPS websites ranked. At the time, this was only a very light ranking aspect and didn’t really affect many search results. However, the change alone was enough to encourage many sites to make the switch.

Google’s not done, though. In 2017, anyone using the Google Chrome browser will see a warning about sites that collect login data or credit information, but don’t use HTTPS. Users will be warned that the site may be unsafe. This is just phase one in a gradual change that will eventually warn about more HTTP only sites, whether they collect personal data or not.

Using SSL Certificates With WordPress

As you can see, Google is determined to create a safer Internet. While it’s not a major problem for site owners right now, it could become one in the near future. Whether your WordPress site allows visitors to shop or requires them to log in, switching to HTTPS could be beneficial. The biggest question you probably have now is where should you start.

The first step is to purchase an SSL certificate for your site. Some web hosts include a free SSL certificate while others provide the option to purchase one. Comodo, DigiCert and GlobalSign are just a few options available. An open source option is available for free, but still recommends a paid certificate.

Once you’ve purchased an SSL certificate, you can ask your web host to install it for you. You’ll also need to change your WordPress Address and Site Address under General Settings in your WordPress Dashboard to HTTPS versus HTTP.

You can also install plugins to help implement and manage SSL settings. A few of the most commonly used plugins include Really Simple SSL, WP Encrypt and WP Force SSL.

Secure Today For A Safer Tomorrow

SSL provides a more secure connection for your visitors. Whether they’re searching for something on your site or entering their credit card to make a purchase, they want to know your site takes their privacy seriously. Help them see that you do by using SSL certificates with WordPress.

Google’s changes may not affect your site right now, but the trend is shifting. Think of it like mobile-friendly sites. This was only a trend five years ago, but now it’s vital to boost your ranking. Make the change today to a more secure site for a safer experience for your visitors and to stay on top of Google’s changing algorithms.

Need help making your site more secure for your visitors? Contact Darren today to find out how to get started.

Image: Sean MacEntee
